Het Big Five Persoonlijkheidsproject Persoonlijkheidstest

Gepubliceerd Onderzoek en Wetenschappelijke Artikelen

Sinds 1997 heeft mijn site persoonlijkheidstests aangeboden aan meer dan 20 miljoen mensen. Naast het aanbieden van directe, anonieme en gratis resultaten met behulp van de Big Five-test, zijn de antwoorden gebruikt in samenwerkingen met universitaire onderzoekers en gerenommeerde instellingen, wat heeft bijgedragen aan een diepgaander begrip van de menselijke persoonlijkheid.

Net als alle wetenschap is persoonlijkheidspsychologie afhankelijk van gegevens om theorieën te valideren. Het internet blijkt een geweldig hulpmiddel te zijn voor het verzamelen van enquêtedata, en daarom is dit project zo waardevol geweest voor onderzoekers. De hier verzamelde gegevens vormen de basis van het Gosling–Potter Internet Personality Project, de grootste bekende dataset over Big Five-persoonlijkheidseigenschappen. (Voor onderzoekers die een volledige lijst van gepubliceerde artikelen willen raadplegen, bekijk hier deze lijst met publicaties in het Engels.)

Hoewel mijn primaire rol gegevensverzameling is geweest, ben ik er trots op deze onderzoeken te hebben ondersteund. Bovendien is het behoorlijk bijzonder dat ik een site heb gemaakt die door zoveel mensen is gebruikt om meer over zichzelf te leren. Bedankt dat je dit onderzoek verkent en bijdraagt door de test te doen!

- Jeff Potter

Schwaba, T., Bleidorn, W., Hopwood, C. J., Gebauer, J. E., Rentfrow, P. J., Potter, J., & Gosling, S. D. (2023). The impact of childhood lead exposure on adult personality: Evidence from the United States, Europe, and a large-scale natural experiment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(2), e2020104118.DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2020104118 [PDF]
Childhood lead exposure has devastating lifelong consequences, as even low-level exposure stunts intelligence and leads to delinquent behavior. However, these consequences may be more extensive than previously thought because childhood lead exposure may adversely affect normal-range personality...
The Impact of Childhood Lead Exposure on Adult Personality: Evidence from the United States, Europe, and a Large-Scale Natural Experiment
Blootstelling aan lood in de kindertijd heeft blijvende effecten op de volwassen persoonlijkheid, zoals minder vriendelijkheid en nauwgezetheid en meer neuroticisme.
Rentfrow, P. J., Gosling, S. D., & Potter, J. Perspectives in Psychological Science (2008)DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6924.2008.00084.x [PDF]
Volumes of research show that people in different geographic regions differ psychologically. Most of that work converges on the conclusion that there are geographic differences in personality and...
A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics
Mensen in New York zijn eigenlijk neurotischer dan mensen in Californië! En ja, mensen in Minnesota zijn echt aardig...
Wei, W., Lu, J. G., Galinsky, A. D., Wu, H., Gosling, S. D., Rentfrow, P. J., et al. (2017). Nature Human Behaviour, 1(12), 890-895DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0240-0 [PDF]
Human personality traits differ across geographical regions. However, it remains unclear what generates these geographical personality differences. Because humans constantly experience and react to ambient temperature, we propose that temperature is a crucial environmental factor that is associated with individuals’ habitual behavioural patterns and, therefore, with fundamental dimensions of...
Regional ambient temperature is associated with human personality
Waar je opgroeit kan je persoonlijkheid vormen! Mensen in regio's met milde temperaturen scoren hoger op sociale en persoonlijke groei-eigenschappen.
Gosling, Samuel D.; Sandy, Carson J.; Potter, Jeff. Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals, Vol. 23, No. 3 (2010)DOI: 10.2752/175303710X12750451258850 [PDF]
Alleged personality differences between individuals who self-identify as "dog people" and "cat people" have long been the topic of wide-spread speculation and sporadic research. Yet existing studies offer a rather conflicting picture of what personality differences, if any, exist between the two types of person. Here we build on previous...
Personalities of Self-Identified "Dog People" and "Cat People"
Ik wist het! Hondenmensen zijn extraverter dan kattenmensen!
Carney, D. R., Jost, J. T., Gosling, S. D., & Potter, J. Political Psychology, Vol. 29, No. 6 (2008)DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9221.2008.00668.x [PDF]
Although skeptics continue to doubt that most people are "ideological," evidence suggests that meaningful left-right differences do exist and that they may be rooted in basic personality dispositions, that is, relatively stable individual differences in psychological needs, motives, and orientations toward the world. Seventy-five years of theory and research on personality and political orientation has produced a long list of dispositions,...
The Secret Lives of Liberals and Conservatives: Personality Profiles, Interaction Styles, and the Things They Leave Behind
Bevestigd: liberalen zijn ruimdenkender, creatiever, nieuwsgieriger en op zoek naar nieuwigheden; conservatieven zijn ordelijker, conventioneler en beter georganiseerd.
Soto, Christopher J.; John, Oliver P.; Gosling, Samuel D.; Potter, Jeff. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 100(2), Feb 2011, 330-348DOI: 10.1037/a0021717 [PDF]
Hypotheses about mean-level age differences in the Big Five personality domains, as well as 10 more specific facet traits within those domains, were tested in a very large cross-sectional sample (N = 1,267,218) of children, adolescents, and...
Age differences in personality traits from 10 to 65: Big Five domains and facets in a large cross-sectional sample
Naarmate we ouder worden, nemen eigenschappen zoals vriendelijkheid en plichtsbesef af in de adolescentie, maar nemen ze toe in de volwassenheid. Neuroticisme daalt, vooral bij vrouwen.
Obschonka, M., Stuetzer, M., Rentfrow, P. J., Lee, N., Potter, J., & Gosling, S. D. (2018). Social Psychological and Personality Science.DOI: 10.1177/194855061875587 [PDF]
Two recent electoral results - Donald Trump’s election as US president and the UK’s Brexit vote - have re-ignited debate on the psychological factors underlying voting behavior. Both campaigns promoted themes of fear, lost pride, and loss...
Fear, Populism, and the Geopolitical Landscape: The 'Sleeper Effect' of Neurotic Personality Traits on Regional Voting Behavior in the 2016 Brexit and Trump Elections
Regio's met hogere niveaus van neuroticisme hadden een grotere kans om voor Brexit en Trump te stemmen. Angst en bezorgdheid hebben misschien een grotere rol gespeeld bij populistische stemgedrag dan eerder werd gedacht.
Talaifar, S., Stuetzer, M., Rentfrow, P. J., Gosling, S. D., Potter, J. (2022). Fear and deprivation in Trump's America: A regional analysis of voting behavior in the 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections. Personality Science, 3(1), e7447.DOI: 10.5964/ps.7447 [PDF]
Since Trump was elected U.S. President in 2016, researchers have sought to explain his support, focusing on structural factors (e.g., economics) and psychological factors (e.g., negative emotions). This study integrates these perspectives in a regional analysis of 18+ structural variables,...
Fear and Deprivation in Trump's America: A Regional Analysis of Voting Behavior in the 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections
Regio's met hogere niveaus van neuroticisme en economische achterstand stemden eerder op Trump in 2016 en 2020. Zowel structurele als psychologische factoren spelen een rol.
Gebauer, J. E., Bleidorn, W., Rentfrow, P. J., Potter, J., Gosling, S. D., & Sedikides, C. (2020). The well-being benefits of person-culture match. Psychological Science, 31(10), 1283-1293.DOI: 10.1177/0956797620951115 [PDF]
People benefit psychologically when their personality matches the prevailing characteristics of their culture, but not everyone experiences this benefit equally. This large-scale study reveals that personality traits like agreeableness and...
The Well-Being Benefits of Person-Culture Match
Je persoonlijkheid aanpassen aan je cultuur kan je welzijn verbeteren, maar niet voor iedereen! Mensen met bepaalde eigenschappen, zoals vriendelijkheid en neuroticisme, profiteren meer van deze 'persoon-cultuurmatch', terwijl anderen misschien geen voordeel zien.
Rentfrow, P. J., Gosling, S. D., Jokela, M., Stillwell, D. J., Kosinski, M., & Potter, J, J. of Personality and Social Psychology, 105(6), 996–1012. (2013)DOI: 10.1037/a0034434 [PDF]
There is overwhelming evidence for regional variation across the United States on a range of key political, economic, social, and health indicators. However, a substantial body of research suggests that activities in each of these domains are typically influenced by psychological variables, raising the possibility that psychological forces...
Divided We Stand: Three Psychological Regions of the United States and Their Political, Economic, Social, and Health Correlates
Blijkbaar veranderen niet alleen het eten of de accenten wanneer je de staatsgrenzen in de VS oversteekt – ook de persoonlijkheden!
Götz, F. M., Ebert, T., Gosling, S. D., Obschonka, M., Potter, J., & Rentfrow, P. J. (2021). American Psychologist, 76(6), 947.DOI: 10.1037/amp0000812 [PDF]
Accumulating evidence suggests that culture changes in response to shifting socioecological conditions; economic development is a particularly potent driver of such change. Previous research has shown that economic development can induce slow but...
Local housing market dynamics predict rapid shifts in cultural openness: A 9-year study across 199 cities
Hogere huizenprijzen maken steden niet alleen duurder, maar ook opener en creatiever, door avontuurlijke nieuwe inwoners aan te trekken en de cultuur te veranderen.
Götz, F. M., Stieger, S., Gosling, S. D., Potter, J., & Rentfrow, P. J. (2020). Physical topography is associated with human personality. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(11), 1135–1144.DOI: 10.1038/s41562-020-0930-x [PDF]
Regional differences in personality are associated with a range of outcomes. This study examined how mountainous terrain correlates with regional variation in personality. Results showed that mountainous areas tend to have higher levels of openness but lower agreeableness, extraversion, and conscientiousness.
Physical Topography is Associated with Human Personality
Bergen zijn niet alleen majestueus – ze vormen de persoonlijkheid! Mensen in bergachtige gebieden zijn vaak opener, maar minder aangenaam en extravert.
Berkessel, J. B., Gebauer, J. E., Joshanloo, M., Bleidorn, W., Rentfrow, P. J., Potter, J., & Gosling, S. D. (2021). National religiosity eases the psychological burden of poverty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(39), e2103913118.DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2103913118 [PDF]
Lower socioeconomic status (SES) harms psychological well-being, but this burden is greatest in developed nations. Drawing on large global datasets, the study shows that national religiosity can buffer the harmful effects of low SES, suggesting that as religiosity declines, these effects will worsen.
National Religiosity Eases the Psychological Burden of Poverty
Nationale religiositeit helpt de psychologische last van armoede te verlichten, vooral in ontwikkelingslanden, waar religieuze normen de schadelijke effecten van een lage sociaaleconomische status kunnen verminderen.
Peters, H., Götz, F. M., Ebert, T., Müller, S. R., Rentfrow, P. J., Gosling, S. D., Obschonka, M., Ames, D., Potter, J., & Matz, S. C. (2023). Regional personality differences predict variation in early COVID-19 infections and mobility patterns indicative of social distancing. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 124(4), 848–872.DOI: 10.1037/pspp0000439
The early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic revealed stark regional variation in the spread of the virus. While previous research has highlighted the impact of regional differences in sociodemographic and economic factors, we argue that regional differences in social and compliance behaviors—the...
Regionale persoonlijkheidsverschillen beïnvloedden de vroege verspreiding van COVID-19: openheid verhoogde het risico, terwijl neuroticisme bescherming bood.
Ramírez-Esparza, N., Gosling, S. D., Benet-Martínez, V., Potter, J. P., & Pennebaker, J. W. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 99-120. (2006)DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2004.09.001 [PDF]
Four studies examined and empirically documented Cultural Frame Switching (CFS; Hong, Chiu, & Kung, 1997) in the domain of personality. Specifically, we asked whether Spanish-English bilinguals show different personalities when using different languages? If so, are the two personalities consistent with cross-cultural differences in personality? To generate predictions about the specific cultural differences to expect, Study 1 documented personality differences between US and Mexican monolinguals. Studies 2-4 tested CFS in three samples of...
Do bilinguals have two personalities? A special case of cultural frame switching
Als je meer dan één taal spreekt, hangt hoe je je gedraagt af van welke taal je spreekt!
Obschonka, M., Schmitt-Rodermund, E., Silbereisen, R. K., Gosling, S. D., & Potter, J. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2013)DOI: 10.1037/a0032275 [PDF]
In recent years the topic of entrepreneurship has become a major focus in the social sciences, with renewed interest in the links between personality and entrepreneurship. Taking a socioecological perspective to psychology, which emphasizes the role of social habitats and their interactions with mind and behavior, we investigated regional variation in and correlates of an...
The Regional Distribution and Correlates of an Entrepreneurship-Prone Personality Profile in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom: A Socioecological Perspective
Ondernemende regio's hebben de neiging om geografisch te clusteren in de VS, Duitsland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk.
Soto, C. J., John, O. P., Gosling, S. D., & Potter, J. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2008)DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.94.4.718 [PDF]
This study examined Big Five self-report data from individuals aged 10 to 20, focusing on developmental trends in personality reporting. The study found that personality reports became more...
The developmental psychometrics of Big Five self-reports: Acquiescence, factor structure, coherence, and differentiation from ages 10 to 20
Hoe verschillen de persoonlijkheidsrapporten van kinderen van die van volwassenen? Naarmate kinderen ouder worden, worden zelfrapportages nauwkeuriger, maar sommige eigenschappen zoals vriendelijkheid en gewetensvolheid veranderen duidelijker dan extraversie.
Srivastava, S., John, O, P., Gosling, S. D., & Potter, J. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2003)DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.84.5.1041 [PDF]
This study investigated how personality traits change in adulthood using data from over 132,000 participants. Results showed that traits such as conscientiousness and agreeableness increased...
Persoonlijkheid blijft evolueren in de volwassenheid - het is niet 'gezet als gips' op 30-jarige leeftijd.
Bleidorn, W., Klimstra, T. A., Denissen, J. J. A., Rentfrow, P. J., Potter, J., & Gosling, S. D. (2013). Psychological Science (2013)DOI: 10.1177/0956797613498396 [PDF]
During early adulthood, individuals from different cultures across the world tend to become more agreeable, more conscientious, and less neurotic. Two leading theories offer different explanations for these pervasive age trends: Five-factor...
Personality Maturation Around the World: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Social-Investment Theory
Opgroeien betekent dat je vriendelijker, zorgvuldiger en minder neurotisch wordt, waar je ook woont. Volwassen worden verandert mensen overal ter wereld!
Robins, R. W., Trzesniewski, K. H., Tracy, J. L., Gosling, S. D., & Potter, J. Journal of Psychology and Aging (2002)DOI: 10.1037/0882-7974.17.3.423 [PDF]
This study examined age differences in self-esteem across the lifespan using data from over 326,000 participants. Results showed that self-esteem was high in childhood, dropped during adolescence, rose throughout adulthood, and declined in old age. These patterns held across gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and nationality.
Global Self-Esteem Across the Life Span
Het gevoel van eigenwaarde blijft hoog in de kindertijd, daalt in de adolescentie en stijgt weer in de volwassenheid.
Robins, R. W., Tracy, J. L., Trzesniewski, K. H., Potter, J., & Gosling, S. D. Journal of Research in Personality (2001)DOI: 10.1006/jrpe.2001.2324 [PDF]
This study examined the relationship between self-esteem and the Big Five personality traits in a large sample. High self-esteem was strongly related to emotional stability, extraversion, and conscientiousness, with smaller correlations for agreeableness and openness. The findings held across age, sex, social class, and ethnicity.
Personality correlates of self-esteem
Eigenwaarde is sterk gerelateerd aan persoonlijkheidskenmerken op alle leeftijden.
Militaru, I. E., Serapio‐García, G., Ebert, T., Kong, W., Gosling, S. D., Potter, J., Rentfrow, P. J., & Götz, F. M. (2024). J. of Personality, 92(1), 88–110DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12822 [PDF]
Personality traits cluster across countries, regions, cities, and neighborhoods. What drives the formation of these clusters? Ecological theory suggests that physical locations shape humans'...
The Lay of the Land: Associations Between Environmental Features and Personality
De omgeving vormt wie we zijn! Mensen in steden zijn opener, maar minder consciëntieus, terwijl kustgebieden verband houden met openheid en neuroticisme.
Laajaj, R., Macours, K., Pinzon Hernandez, D. A., Arias, O., Gosling, S. D., Potter, J., Rubio-Codina, M., & Vakis, R. (2019). Challenges to capture the Big Five personality traits in non-WEIRD populations. Science Advances, 5(7), eaaw5226.DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw5226 [PDF]
Can personality traits be measured and interpreted reliably across the world? While the use of Big Five personality measures is increasingly common across social sciences, their validity outside of western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) populations is unclear. Adopting a comprehensive psychometric approach to analyze 29 face-to-face surveys from 94,751 respondents in...
Challenges to Capture the Big Five Personality Traits in Non-WEIRD Populations
Big Five-persoonlijkheidsmetingen falen vaak in face-to-face enquêtes in niet-WEIRD populaties door responsbias en opleidingsniveaus, terwijl internetenquêtes een hogere validiteit tonen.
Obschonka, M., Stuetzer, M., Audretsch, D. B., Rentfrow, P. J., Potter, J., & Gosling, S. D. (2016). Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7(2), 95–104.DOI: 10.1177/1948550615608402
Do macropsychological factors predict 'hard' economic outcomes like regional economic resilience? Prior approaches focused on economic infrastructure, but psychological traits like emotional stability and entrepreneurship also matter. This study examined how regional psychological traits predicted economic recovery from the Great Recession of 2008–2009 in the United States and Great Britain.
Macropsychological Factors Predict Regional Economic Resilience During a Major Economic Crisis
Regio's met emotioneel stabiele en ondernemende eigenschappen herstelden zich sneller van de recessie van 2008-2009.
Robert de Vries, Samuel Gosling, Jeff Potter. Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 72, No. 12, June 2011, pp 1978-1985DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.03.046 [PDF]
Richard Wilkinson's "inequality hypothesis" describes the relationship between societal income inequality and population health in terms of the corrosive psychosocial effects of social hierarchy. An explicit component of this hypothesis is that inequality should lead individuals to become more competitive and self-focused, less friendly and altruistic. Together these traits are a close conceptual match to the opposing poles of the Big Five personality factor of Agreeableness; a widely used concept in the field of personality psychology. Based on this fact, we predicted that individuals living in more economically unequal U.S. states should be lower in Agreeableness than those living in...
Naarmate de ongelijkheid toeneemt, zijn we minder geneigd om anderen te helpen. Denk twee keer na over waar je woont!
Kenneth S. Kendler, John Myers, Jeff Potter, and Jill Opalesky. Twin Research and Human Genetics, Vol. 12 No. 2 (2009)DOI: 10.1375/twin.12.2.137 [PDF]
Web-based studies have become increasingly common in the social sciences, but have been rare in genetic epidemiology in general and twin studies in particular. We here review the methods, validity checks and preliminary correlational data from an on-line questionnaire collected from 2005-2008. During this time period, 44,112 individuals completed the questionnaire. This sample was 65.3% female, 85.4% 18 years or older, 72.0% Caucasian and had a mean educational level of 12.2 years. The...
Het gebruik van online persoonlijkheidstests blijkt net zo goed te zijn als traditionele enquêtemethoden voor genetische epidemiologie.
Nye, C. D., Allemand, M., Gosling, S. D., Potter, J., & Roberts, B. W. (2016). Journal of Personality, 84(4), 473–492.DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12173 [PDF]
A growing body of research demonstrates that older individuals tend to score differently on personality measures than younger adults. However, recent research using item response theory (IRT) has questioned these findings, suggesting that apparent age differences in personality traits merely reflect artifacts of the response process rather than...
Hebben oudere volwassenen echt andere persoonlijkheden, of worden we misleid door persoonlijkheidstests? Deze studie toont aan dat de verschillen echt zijn en niet alleen door testartefacten ontstaan.
Gosling, S. D., Vazire, S., Srivastava, S., & John, O. P. (2004). Should we trust Web–based studies? A comparative analysis of six preconceptions about Internet questionnaires. American Psychologist, 59, 93–104.DOI: 10.1037/0003-066X.59.2.93 [PDF]
The rapid growth of the Internet provides a wealth of new research opportunities for psychologists. Internet data collection methods, with a focus on self-report questionnaires from self-selected samples, are evaluated and compared with traditional paper-and-pencil methods. Six preconceptions...
Dit artikel evalueert algemene opvattingen over online enquêtes en vergelijkt hun betrouwbaarheid en validiteit met traditionele methoden.
Obschonka, M., Stuetzer, M., Gosling, S. D., Rentfrow, P. J., Lamb, M. E., Potter, J., & Audretsch, D. B. (in press). Do macro–psychological cultural characteristics of regions help solve the 'knowledge paradox' of economics? PLOS ONE.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129332 [PDF]
In recent years, modern economies have shifted away from being based on physical capital and towards being based on new knowledge (e.g., new ideas and inventions). Consequently, contemporary economic theorizing and key public policies have been based on the assumption that resources for...
Onderzoekt hoe regionale psychologische kenmerken invloed hebben op de economische paradox van onderbenutting van kennis.
Bleidorn, W., Arslan, R. C., Denissen, J. J. A., Rentfrow, P. J., Gebauer, J. E., Potter, J., & Gosling, S. D. (2016). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111(3), 396–410.DOI: 10.1037/pspp0000078 [PDF]
Research and theorizing on gender and age differences in self-esteem have played a prominent role in psychology over the past 20 years. However, virtually all empirical research has been undertaken in the United States or other Western industrialized countries, providing a narrow empirical base from which to draw conclusions and develop theory. To broaden the empirical base, the present...
Mannen rapporteren wereldwijd een hoger zelfbeeld dan vrouwen, maar de genderkloof en leeftijdsgebonden veranderingen verschillen per cultuur.